Saturday, April 16, 2011

Military Industrial Complex Murdering Masses of People Each Month

MITRE: Who Are These Guys?
Vieques, Puerto Rico and the United States Navy Test Bombing.


Afghanistan Invasion, December 2001
Iraq War, April 2003
Bam, Iran Earthquake, 2003
Thailand Tsunami, December 2004
Katrina, September 2005
Gulf Oil Spill, April 2010
Fukushima Earthquake & Tsunami, March 2011 here, here, and here.

Leslie Groves

Leslie Groves was the head of The Manhattan Project.  He told his physicists to use depleted uranium in the air, water, and soil to cause pulmonary and tissue damage. 

The Feres Doctrine

The Feres Doctrine grants immunity to the Federal government of the US after they have intentionally tried to kill and maim you.  Scalia stated that the Feres Doctrine was wrongly decided.  Is there hope with the Supreme Court over criminal knowledge committed by the US government?

Peace In Space

Peace In Space.

Uncle Toms

Condolezza Rice
Colin Powell
Jesse Jackson
Al Sharpton
Herman Cain
President Obama


The following video is revolting and disturbing.  Part 4 contains some disturbing imagery of birth defects to infants and young children who were exposed to depleted uranium.  As disturbing as it is, try to watch it.  Dr. Doug Rokke's testimony, particularly the way that depleted uranium works and why it was used, is not only a scathing indictment of mass-murderous monsters, like the Mossad and the CIA, but it is a call to get reparations for victims, for veterans and to bring the criminals to justice.  Here is Beyond Treason's website.