posted the latest photographs of the blasted buildings in Oslo and the terror-stricken young people on Utoya Island. The shooting on the island targeted the children and supporters of Oslo's labor party. Bombs go off and the press blames Muslims. Is the purported purpose to rile up Christians and re-enact a Neocon crusade in the middle east. What, the Jews inside the Neocon camp don't have enough control over Persian Gulf oil. Also, how does this event fit into the bizarre announcement of a September Surprise in Iran. If Israel announces its intentions 2 months in advance and then a Norway bombing occurs that conveniently gets blamed on Muslims, is this setting the stage for that September invasion? Why September? To mark an anniversary of September 11, 2001? The fucks running this Al Queda gambit are some real disturbed, murderous liberals. M&C News has it that one of the reasons for the attack on Oslo was because the Defense Minister announced that he would withdraw Norwegian troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. It scares me a little what would happen if the United States began withdrawing its troops from the middle east and around the world as Ron Paul is advocating. I am confused about who is running this terrorist gambit. I think that it is the UN. Al Queda then is the terrorist arm of the UN.