Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Great talk on Common Core.  Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation spent $2.5 billion dollars on Commom Core.  Only on population control and abortion in Africa did Gates spend more money on. 
Kennedy wrote No Child Left Behind.
With outcome-based education or standards-based education, the only way that you can measure if a kid has met the standards is by testing them. The result is that the schools are engaged in endless testing. Teaching to the tests is not education.  Common Core is nothing more than Child Left Behind on steriods.  NCLB left too much state and local control.  Parents of the community complained, and their groundswell activism killed that program.  Common Core answers that control issue, taking completely the control over the federal government out of the hands of local parents.  Those in the Federal Gov. want more and more power.

With Common Core, states are reduced to being little more than administrative agents for a national curriculum.  Race to the Top, Obama's education policy, was what launched Common Core.  It's awful.

Sunday, May 18, 2014