Sunday, July 22, 2012

Aurora: Echoes of Columbine

Natural Born Killers, 1994.

The mass shootings in 1999 at Columbine High School in Jefferson County, Colorado were also a staged event with the official story being that it was a psychotic rampage conducted by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.  The documentary The Columbine Cause that follows is produced by Evan Long.

Police reports always enjoy amplifying the ballistics evidence to make it sound like the shooters are engaged in a war.  The drug stories that have emerged since the shootings are also part of the cover-up, although not all who are interviewed or who chime in are knowing accomplices to the cover story.  I'd never heard this until today, just now, that there was an explosion detonated in a town nearby as a diversion, committing a good percentage of emergency personnel away from Columbine.  Wikipedia states, "Shortly before arriving at the school, Harris and Klebold had placed a small fire bomb in a field located approximately one mile (1600 m) away from Columbine High School. This bomb was set to explode at 11:14 a.m., and is thought to have been placed in this location as a diversion for emergency personnel. The bomb partially detonated however, causing a small fire that was extinguished by the fire department."

One, drugs can play a decisive role.  Eric Harris was taking Luvox.  The effect of Luvox is that it can blunt emotion and turn off empathy.  And in video 4/6 at the 12-minute mark, the narrator explains that Harris claims that he was being drugged at the Air Force base where his dad worked.

Two, drugs play the role of diversion.  Stories about drugs redirects the condemnation of murder to something of a lesser degree, manslaughter.  So the public's fear, anger, and confusion is somewhat mollified.  But then drugs get the bad rap.  The pharmaceutical industry is evil.  It likes to prescribe mind-altering drugs to problems that can be remedied through food or exercise or energy therapies. 
Stories about anti-depressant drugs treat stories of teenage angst as though it were an epidemic, anybody seen as not liking school as anti-social and therefore requiring medication to get them to comply with the purported benevolence of the state's education system.  But the story of drugs hovering around mass murder raises the legal and pricing stakes on prescription drugs and It's not; that's part of the cover story.  The truth is that there are drugs that are used prior to a mass shooting, where the individuals are befriended by members of the CIA psy-ops are invited to try drugs, hallucinogenics to bring them to psychotic states that render them otherwise violent.  The only people who really knew Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were their parents, their friends, and club associates.  What club did they belong to?

Also, the back story that emerges from these mass shootings is that the perpetrator had been planning the shootings for several months or over a year.  If that is the case, wouldn't that make the specific date chosen highly valuable?  In their efforts to look for a cause, the media likes to search for the perpetrators legal entanglements to put their stamp of approval of the perpetrators as "obvious" criminals, to diminish doubt about their guilt, about their name, about the charges in the public eye.  These guys were indicted, judged, convicted, and sentenced in the public eye.  And with their death, a defense is silent.  How convenient.  Who knows the true story?  Who knows what these boys were like?  Who knows who these boys were hanging out with in the 3 to 6 months prior to the shooting?

Chris Morris was another shooter used perhaps by the police to scapegoat Klebold and Harris.  There were a lot of names redacted from eye-witness accounts.  Who were those names?  Here is a brief list with brief descriptions.

The Columbine shooting took place on "Senior Prank Day," re-setting the expectations for every person a the school, making them believe that anything out of the ordinary, any prank is just that--a prank--and not something real, that it is only part of some other schema.  Talk about cognitive dissonance and disarming any intelligent response to the events!  Jeez!  In the eye-witness testimony of a few, other names that are mentioned by the witnesses are redacted.  They're names are redacted, but even with the redaction other people reading the testimony know who the guys were because the descriptions of the guys who were redacted is still readable.

There was an article online that discussed a sheriff Tim Walsh of Jefferson County.  He had arrested the boys, both of them for vandalizing a van.  This took place in the month of January, but I am not sure whether it was January 1998.  But Eric and Dylan referred to the incident as the "January Incident."  Based on what I've read I think that Tim Walsh and Pat Sullivan, individually or both, abused performed humiliating acts on these boys, whether it was rape or some other kind of thing forced upon them that was humiliating it is not clear.  But there have been stories that said that the boys planned the event as a ruse to get the cops out to the school and get the cops caught in a triangulation shoot.  The cops, in fact, arrived at the school grounds but delayed for hours before going into the school.  What I don't understand was how the boys were shot.  The reports say suicide but their bodies lay right next to each other.  One of the other kids who were in on their crew snitched it to the cops.  The cops knew exactly what was going down and they set it up so that they would have one of their own men inside to take out Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.

Here is a decent documentary done by British television with the usual stupid commentary that only advances the official crazed gunman theory.  These were talented kids having creative fun with video equipment and who wrote some interesting  scripts or at least had interesting and relevant scripts in their head-- relevant to the conflicts that they were enduring at their school.  They were bullied mercilessly and yet stood their ground--they didn't take shit.  These guys were strong motherfuckers emotionally.  I think the jocks actually respected them.  When the boys began to wear the trench coats and display purported membership into a trench coat mafia, everybody got scared and they liked that powerful effect.  They weren't the little shits having to endure elbows as they stood their ground.  Now, the jocks and everybody else gave them a wide berth with their trench coats appearance.  Understand where these kids were coming from.  They were technically and psychologically smart, but in a world run by bullies that drew little exchange and value.  They were in service roles, where I am sure that people unappreciatively expected them to perform certain tasks, treating them perhaps like slaves.

Here is a story that tells of Eric Harris' father working at Plattsburg Air Force Base in upstate New York.  The article is written by Quinn

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