Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mike Adams on Aurora, CO Massacre

Wild-eyed, mild demonic presentation.  His hair has symmetrical points like a cuckolded devil.  His mouth restrains laughter.  These photos capture some inhibition compared to the earlier ones where he was giving a classroom presentation and was celebrated a bit celebrated by his teacher or supervisor.

Here is his booking photo.

The expression is that of a captured individual.  I can't say it is an expression of guilt.  It is more an expression of being unable to grasp the momentousness of the situation as though he is saying "What happened?" and "Why am I here?" and "Why am I being processed like this?" but also a familiar resignation with others telling him what to do and complying.  It is resignation and relief that something is over, or at least a major, precipitating event has been cleared.  It is dazed to the point where he hasn't quite grasped the enormity of his circumstances or of his deed.  He's compliant.  In this photo his hair is much longer than in any of the other photos I've seen so far.  Only the top portion of his hair is dyed.  Why not his whole scalp?  Here is his booking photo.

His Facebook picture.  The orange hair is short.  When did he start wearing orange hair?  Why is there no tracking of this guy's behavior by a friend or a family member, cousin, a high-school mate, a college-classroom buddy?  When did the metamorphosis begin?  Who was he with when it began?  Someone from the National Institutes of Health?  Why orange?  Why not pink, red, blue, green?

Does he not have an uneasy look?  Headphones and a young woman, topless, her arm around his stomach, with her tongue in very suggestive positions.  

Here is the smirking demon after having gotten one over on people imposed on the scene where local bomb-squad is breaking through a window.  

This looks like his high school photo.  Here his look is intelligent and circumspect as he delivers varying points on a particular topic.

This looks like his high school photo.  Here his look is intelligent and circumspect as he delivers varying points on a particular topic.

Here is his courtroom appearance where he is processing a lot more than information delivered by the judge.  This guy's mind was fucked with.  Who fucked him and why him?  Is this the cost of a 

$26,000 federal grant? 

Mike Adams has it right on the Aurora, CO theater massacre.      

Witnesses are emerging.  As testimony comes in, the next step is to find out who came in through the Emergency door.  Was it James Holmes himself or someone else dressed up in SWAT gear? A few photos from London's Daily Mail.   The scoundrels at ABC attempted to sell a story that James Holmes was a member of the TEA Party.  It makes me laugh when people say that these events aren't used for political purposes.    Here is Police Chief Daniel Oates.
What I don't get is how Holmes' mom when asked about her son said, "You have the right person," she said. "I need to call the police... I need to fly out to Colorado."  This sounds as though she was expecting some criminal report on her son.  Why would a mother say something like this unless it was scripted for her.  If it wasn't scripted for her, then why would she put the seal of approval on preliminary investigations, even before investigations of possible suspects?  This rushes things, doesn't it?  I mean there is no intelligence on the ground, no clues.  What if James Holmes was used as a decoy and another man did the actual shooting?  Funny how the mother gets to clear up her statements, but I wonder what kind of ear James Holmes is going to get.  Likely, none.  Everybody else will be speaking for him, and it won't be on his behalf.  Wow, this story about Holmes' mother, Arlene Holmes, statement is taking on a life of its own.  Matthew Mosk was the reporter who initially contacted Ms. Holmes and he asked her two separate questions in a single statement early in the morning of Friday, July 20.   "[Mosk] asked if [Mrs. Holmes] was Arlene Holmes and if [her] son was James Holmes, who lives in Aurora, Colorado. [She] answered yes, you have the right person. I was referring to myself. I asked him to tell me why he was calling and he told me about a shooting in Aurora. He asked for a comment. I told him I could not comment because I did not know if the person he was talking about was my son and I would need to find out."  The ABC News writer defending Matthew Mosk's reporting Arlene Holmes' comments is Russell Goldman.  But his reporting basically takes Ms. Holmes' clarification and deliberately obfuscates it.  His article does not advance her clarification or Mosk's assumptions.  What he does is repeat Ms. Holmes' clarification and then repeats her initial statements removed from context so that the initial confusion holds.  It's a dirty journalistic trick.  The way that he layered the argument was really dishonest.  So it seems that we dishonesty on dishonesty.  Even early in the reporting of the shooting, Brian Ross and George Stephanopolous, announced that James Holmes was a TEA Party member.  He is not.  Here is the exchange as Goldman puts it:
Mosk said today that he awoke Arlene Holmes and informed her that a man, he believed was her son had been arrested in Aurora and asked to confirm their relationship.  [Okay, statement of factual action: no harm, no foul.]
"You have to tell me what happened… You have to tell me what happened," the woman on the phone said, according to Mosk. Mosk said he told her that ABC News had learned the 24-year-old had been identified by police as the lone suspect in the mass killing in Aurora, Colo and that the details of the events were still taking shape.
"You have the right person," was her response, he said. "I need to call the police. I need to fly to Colorado." [Here, Goldman repeats what was already understand and what was clarified by Mrs. Holmes' lawyer, yet Goldman repeats it here without further or repeated clarification.  He leaves her original comment in tact as it stood out on Drudge and the mainstream press early on day 1.  Nasty fuckers.  What follows next is a blatant attempt at ignoring the most pressing point of the article--Mrs. Holmes defending her son instead of getting on board with the official liars at ABC News. 
"Just prior to the press conference, Damiani (Holmes' lawyer, Lisa Damiani) contacted ABC News to  determine whether there existed a recording of the pre-dawn conversation (good for her by the way) between Mosk and her client, according to Mosk." It turns out that there was no audio recording!! 
"One hour after learning there was no audio recording, Damiani held the conference and read Arlene Holmes' statement."  No recording of the conversation.  Leaving any record of the phone call, her comments, and the exchange to a "he said, she said" argument.
This seemed interesting.  Don't know whether it is worth commenting on or not, but James Holmes received a $26,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health, a branch of the US Department of Health and Human Services.  I know for sure that the National Institutes of Health have been involved in pharmaceutical and psychiatric crime.  What I want to know is what did he do to qualify for this grant and who sponsored him on the grant.  The article claims that information isn't being released due to privacy concerns, but I think that if you start connecting the dots on the money and on the drugs, that you will find some secret government agents who set this poor kid up. There was a report that Holmes applied for a gun range membership.  The last time that I checked that wasn't illegal in the United States, nor is that cause for probably cause.  The story from the witness in the first video above suggests that Holmes was working with someone.  There's nothing random about this shooting.  The shooter is a white guy who lives in a predominantly black neighborhood.  These theaters often have a police presence, but on a weekend with a premiere, then the police presence goes up.  The question is--where were the cops?    
If a guy parks his car outside in an alley or in an emergency slot, how would cops see a WHITE car and ignore it unless the guy's efforts were overseen by street-clothed security on behalf on the agency running the massacre.  Go to the 12-minute mark. Unbelievable. One of Alex Jones interviewee said that Michael Chertoff was in Denver recently.  It turns out that Chertoff was in Denver on July 12.  The massacre took place on Thursday night, July 19, 2012 In the above video, Alex's guest suggests that assassins are bred by the CIA, referring to the movie Boys From Brazil as exemplary proof. WHAT ROLE DO DRUGS PLAY IN MASS SHOOTINGS PLENTY.

Starring Laurence Olivier, Steve Guttenberg, Gregory Peck, and James Mason.  The novel was written by Ira Levin.   Here is the source of the above video.
It is very interesting to see the narrative on James Holmes take shape.  Initially, photographs of an orange-haired clown with incomprehensible eyes shared air time with the more demonically snickering one plastered all over the net.  After these two come the disoriented, dazed courtroom expressions, and then most recently very sweet and endearing expressions appear during a delightful moment shared in or after a class presentation.  
Here is a playful picture.  He's having fun and enjoying himself. I like how the brother of one of the victims addressed the political ploy of the media's questions.  Good for him.                            


Ben Swann at least raises right questions, whereas the media is burying eye-witness testimony. I am also convinced that the red-haired suspect is designed to fuck with people who, one, have red hair, and two, with people who have had problems with people with red hair.  Red-haired individuals are often targeted and dismissed . . . .  Well, those two words right there exactly communicate how James Holmes is treated.  Red hair tends to remind of special people, who specialness makes them vulnerable, or unique and deserving of either celebrated attention or condemnation.  The color orange also reflects the color of the sun or of Aurora, the sun goddess.  The red hair conjures images of a clown.  People don't take clowns serious by their very nature.  Holmes is like a clown who's been unmasked partially: he's still got his orange hair.  It's not red, a natural color, but orange, a clownish color, encouraging the laughable from spectators, dismissing him and holding him in derisive  contempt.


Scott Creighton at Willyloman has produced a virtuous effort by asking terrific questions. Allie Young and Stephanie Davis, psyops interns? Also, cops showed up in 60 to 90 seconds? And a SWAT at that? Cryptogon is an interesting site. An anti-statist comparing the results of James Holmes atrocities with those of Obama, who was awarded a Peace Prize. Here is an interview that contains a few more details of the event. More links: here, on the possibility of a second gunman.  Here is a photo blog.  I want to know who those pink flip flops belong to. 
Amazing siteUnbelievable TheIntelhub on Chief Oates, Aurora, Co. Police Chief. A candidate for the Nevada Senate called that the movie Batman: Dark Knight Rises would contain a foreshadow to a false-flag.  And the press were all astounded that the guy could predict such a thing when in fact false-flags is an entire industry.  Bizarre.  But my guess is that news of this events leak, not to everybody but to the political class.
The suspicious death of Jennifer Gallagher, a nurse at University Colorado Hospital on staff when the Aurora victims started coming in, is reviewed here.


Here is a nasty stunt by the owners of the Aurora theater where a gunmen massacred people with a machine gun.

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