This article is an accurate portrayal of how events like Newton are conveyed to the public, intended, of course, to hypnotize the public to accept without question the official story. Why assemble a Warren Commission and parade the farce to the American public as an authoritative body when TV anchors, the
good ones at least, bridge the official version to the public like a blue pill to bring about national acceptance, what they'll call national healing? Though I believe that this article is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand how the media uses these events, it is not for the faint of heart. It is written by one of the best in the business, Jon Rappoport.
take on these events is that there are always two shooters present--the actual gunmen who is probably private military with plenty of real trigger experience and the patsy--the doped up guy who either forgets everything or is offed in the massacre.
Below are a few quotes from the article.
"Newtown is presented as a television event. From the outset, the mood is funereal. It has that tinge and coloration. The audience absorbs it and wants no intrusion on it.
. . .
The anchor is not only the priest, but also the teacher. He/she shows the audience how to experience the event and what to feel and what to think and how to act.
. . .
In fact, the anchors ARE surrogate police chiefs. They express what the police chiefs would, if they had the anchors’ skills."
This story mentions a second suspect, not a second shooter. So what then was the role of this second suspect? All it says is this:
"CBS News reports that a potential second suspect was in custody and that SWAT was investigating the home of the suspect. It was not known if that alleged second suspect fired any of the shots in the massacre. A witness tells WFSB-TV that a second man was taken out of the woods in handcuffs wearing a black jacket and camouflage pants and telling parents on the scene, “I did not do it.”
It's difficult for me to distinguish between truth and red herrings. I'll need to be patient and follow the updates. But here is a bizarre story that says that there were multiple assailants dressed as, get this, nuns.
Here is a video. It's footage shot from a helicopter in a wood of leafless trees. You can't see much. Can't identify anyone except that there are people with rifles chasing someone. There is no definition to the video. No way that it can identify anyone with any specificity. I was relying on the narrator, who did not sound reliable.
This eye witness (a plant?) states that he walked past a man--no description other than he was handcuffed, camo-pants with a dark jacket (not a black jacket), a grown man, looked into parents' eyes and said he didn't do it. The "grown man" description contrasts with the image of the young man, Adam Lanza; also, the fact that Lanza purportedly took his own life. The reporter's questions, whose face is not on camera, are so leading and therefore misleading. And how is it that the guy standing behind the witness not be aware of the red light on top of the camera that indicates that it is running, how can he not look into the camera? Seems like a nature reaction--to either look into the lens or move out of the way of the camera's angle. But he doesn't. He stands fixed on some activity some 30 yards down the road. What are these guys doing there? How and why does this guy get this close to a police-controlled scene of a mass murder?
Here is one guy who is all over YouTube. He goes by the name of DAHBOO7. What is that? Anyway, he argues that in the movie the Dark Knight Rises there are references to the location of recent American massacres in attempt to either usher in martial law (unlikely) or to get certain guns banned. He points out that the name "Aurora" appears on the facade of one building, and then points to a table or desk with a map on it. He says that it reads "Sandy Hook," but I cannot see any such word or spelling.
Adam Lanza is the suspect in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, Connecticut. It was recently revealed that he was on Fanapt, an antipsychotic medication. For a review of the literature on antidepressants and their violent tendencies, please read this.
Below are a few quotes from the article.
"Newtown is presented as a television event. From the outset, the mood is funereal. It has that tinge and coloration. The audience absorbs it and wants no intrusion on it.
. . .
The anchor is not only the priest, but also the teacher. He/she shows the audience how to experience the event and what to feel and what to think and how to act.
. . .
In fact, the anchors ARE surrogate police chiefs. They express what the police chiefs would, if they had the anchors’ skills."
This story mentions a second suspect, not a second shooter. So what then was the role of this second suspect? All it says is this:
"CBS News reports that a potential second suspect was in custody and that SWAT was investigating the home of the suspect. It was not known if that alleged second suspect fired any of the shots in the massacre. A witness tells WFSB-TV that a second man was taken out of the woods in handcuffs wearing a black jacket and camouflage pants and telling parents on the scene, “I did not do it.”
It's difficult for me to distinguish between truth and red herrings. I'll need to be patient and follow the updates. But here is a bizarre story that says that there were multiple assailants dressed as, get this, nuns.
Here is a video. It's footage shot from a helicopter in a wood of leafless trees. You can't see much. Can't identify anyone except that there are people with rifles chasing someone. There is no definition to the video. No way that it can identify anyone with any specificity. I was relying on the narrator, who did not sound reliable.
This eye witness (a plant?) states that he walked past a man--no description other than he was handcuffed, camo-pants with a dark jacket (not a black jacket), a grown man, looked into parents' eyes and said he didn't do it. The "grown man" description contrasts with the image of the young man, Adam Lanza; also, the fact that Lanza purportedly took his own life. The reporter's questions, whose face is not on camera, are so leading and therefore misleading. And how is it that the guy standing behind the witness not be aware of the red light on top of the camera that indicates that it is running, how can he not look into the camera? Seems like a nature reaction--to either look into the lens or move out of the way of the camera's angle. But he doesn't. He stands fixed on some activity some 30 yards down the road. What are these guys doing there? How and why does this guy get this close to a police-controlled scene of a mass murder?
Here is one guy who is all over YouTube. He goes by the name of DAHBOO7. What is that? Anyway, he argues that in the movie the Dark Knight Rises there are references to the location of recent American massacres in attempt to either usher in martial law (unlikely) or to get certain guns banned. He points out that the name "Aurora" appears on the facade of one building, and then points to a table or desk with a map on it. He says that it reads "Sandy Hook," but I cannot see any such word or spelling.
Adam Lanza is the suspect in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, Connecticut. It was recently revealed that he was on Fanapt, an antipsychotic medication. For a review of the literature on antidepressants and their violent tendencies, please read this.
Who are these animals? Turns out that he is H. Wayne Carver, II, Chief Medical Examiner for Connecticut supervising the Sandy Hook case. James Tracey of the MemoryHoleBlog indicts this medical examiner, suggesting that the key examiner at the site of the shooting cannot and will not give specifics and defers to the troopers flanking him. What I find interesting is that each time the media learns about questions arranged systematically in an essay, particularly by individuals with some authority like professors or any professionals, the media, instead of bringing evidence to refute the claims, always calls those critiques and attacks as conspiracy, as if individuals are more threatening, have bigger budgets, are part of a larger team than the press themselves. Individuals working in the press are whores. We are fortunate to have courageous individuals like Tracy who all they're doing is questioning the very evidence that the press reports on, reports where most vetting or confirmation of is silent.
Paul Craig Roberts is out with an excellent analysis on how everything is mined for agenda purposes and rare, if ever, for truth, unless it somehow serves agenda.
UPDATE #2: Jan. 1, 2013
It just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser. Ben Swann sifts through the bird's nest of truths and half-truths and outright lies surrounding the fathers of James Holmes and Adam Lanza.
In my opinion, Jon Rappoport is one of the best writers on the subject of crises or at least mass shootings. He's examined and studies events from Columbine to Katrina to Aurora to Newton. He asks great questions that the official media shrinks from. He observes, "Multiple media sources state Adam Lanza, the accused Newtown mass murderer, wore a mask while he killed 26 people in the Sandy Hook Elementary School. So who IDed him as the killer?" Great question.
Nancy Champion Lanza, accused shooter Adam's mom, worked for DARPA in New London, Connecticut. Please, read further.
"The Associated Press interviews an unidentified Sandy Hook Elementary student who describes seeing a shooting suspect prone on the ground in the school’s parking lot.
Unidentified student: “And then the police
like were knocking on the door, and they’re like, ‘We’re evacuating
people! We’re evacuating people!’ So we ran out. There’s police about at
every door. They’re leading us, ‘Down this way. Down this way. Quick!
Quick! Come on!’ Then we ran down to the firehouse. There’s a man pinned
down to the ground with handcuffs on. And we thought that was the
victim [sic]. We really didn’t get a good glance at him because there
was a car blocking it. Plus we were running really quick.” “Raw: Student Describes Scene at School Shooting,” Associated Press, December 14, 2012."
Here's a guy that took six Sandy Hook school children into his house and gave them stuffed animals to comfort them. Stuffed animals? Really? Not hot chocolate. Not water. Not a chair or a sofa to sit on but stuffed animals? Why is it that this story sounds so familiarly fuzzy, just like a stuffed animal?
"Sandy Hook resident Gene Rosen comes forth with story that he encountered six first grade children from Sandy Hook Elementary in his front lawn while feeding his cats. “I thought they were practicing for a play or Cub Scouts, and I went and approached them and it became clear that they were so distressed,” Rosen told CBS News. “And I took them into my house, and they were crying and talking, and I got them into my house, and they were crying and talking [sic], and I got them some stuffed animals.” “Neighbor Found Terrified Children on Front Lawn after School Massacre,” CBS New York, December 15, 2012."
I love it, too, when major news sources begin their interviewing rounds, particularly of high profile individuals who carry with them an assumed authority on shooting, ballistics, guns, and crime. Though these are high profile, highly-paid bureaucrats hired to make sure the official narrative goes from traction to being entrenched immediately.
"State Police Lt. J. Paul Advance on ABC’s Good Morning America with George Stephanopoulos.
Here's a guy that took six Sandy Hook school children into his house and gave them stuffed animals to comfort them. Stuffed animals? Really? Not hot chocolate. Not water. Not a chair or a sofa to sit on but stuffed animals? Why is it that this story sounds so familiarly fuzzy, just like a stuffed animal?
"Sandy Hook resident Gene Rosen comes forth with story that he encountered six first grade children from Sandy Hook Elementary in his front lawn while feeding his cats. “I thought they were practicing for a play or Cub Scouts, and I went and approached them and it became clear that they were so distressed,” Rosen told CBS News. “And I took them into my house, and they were crying and talking, and I got them into my house, and they were crying and talking [sic], and I got them some stuffed animals.” “Neighbor Found Terrified Children on Front Lawn after School Massacre,” CBS New York, December 15, 2012."
I love it, too, when major news sources begin their interviewing rounds, particularly of high profile individuals who carry with them an assumed authority on shooting, ballistics, guns, and crime. Though these are high profile, highly-paid bureaucrats hired to make sure the official narrative goes from traction to being entrenched immediately.
"State Police Lt. J. Paul Advance on ABC’s Good Morning America with George Stephanopoulos.
Vance: This is something that’s going to take a
significant amount of time. From the onset we’ve had teams looking into
the background of [Adam Lanza], peeling back the layers of the onion,
so to speak. We have many, many questions that we need to ask—that we
need to explore.
Stephanopoulos: Three guns found on site?
Vance: We
haven’t discussed that as of yet, but, uh, in excess of three guns.
Stephanopoulos: More than three guns. And we know also that the guns
match those of his mother may have had. Have you been able to put that
together yet?”
Vance: We’re—we’re—I don’t have that information
Stephanopoulos: Do you know if they were obtained legally?
Vance: Again, that’s something we would also have to explore during the
investigation. ABC News, “Tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School,” Good Morning America, December 15, 2012."
Always with the conclusion that "we . . . have to explore during the investigation." This always exonerates any misreporting, any misleading reports, and mistakes. Say and write what they want because it is always under investigation and "we don't have that information at this time." I mean this is bad fiction.
Here is an example of national policing agencies trumping the stories of local investigators on the scene.
"US officials representing three different lettered agencies separately identify the suspected shooter as Adam Lanza, in contrast to what investigators said earlier in the day. No explanation is given regarding what prompted confusion among investigators. (Then the famous non-sequitor . . .) Lanza’s older brother, Ryan, was taken into custody for general questioning in Hoboken, New Jersey but was not labeled a suspect. “Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre,” CNN, December 14, 2012."
Why include a statement that the brother of the purported suspect was taken in for questioning other than to give credence to the US officials' narrative that Adam Lanza was the shooter. Do we have eyewitness accounts that Lanza was seen shooting anybody? I would take it even one step further and ask did anyone at Sandy Hook even see Adam Lanza? Reports by eyewitnesses said that they saw masked men. Masked men. They could not see faces: they were covered . . . with masks.
Evidence of a second shooter. Have heard nothing of second shooter/suspect since.
"CBS correspondent notes how police have a second shooting suspect in custody who they are interrogating. “Well, they have an individual in custody, who they’re talking to. I am told they’re looking into the person as possibly a second shooter. Now that changes the dynamics here a little bit which goes from—if in fact this turns out to be confirmed—it goes from a lone gunman scenario where somebody has this argument with society and wants to take revenge with the most defenseless people in society to a team of individuals who’ve gotten together and conspired to do something like this.” “School Shooting: Possible Second Gunman in Custody,” CBS News Online, December 14, 2012."
And why does commentary about the shooter's motive always come in the form of ". . . where somebody has this argument with society and wants to take revenge with the most defenseless people in society . . ."? This argument is crazy. Evil is very personal. A single individual going into a school to shoot kids is insane, it's crazy. And this is in part how the official news agencies want their audience to think about the incidental, a crazy act committed by a crazy guy in a crazy burst of revenge against society. Crazy! Put the patina of crazy over the actions, and the investigation, or ar least the conclusion, comes almost to a screeching halt. But what if the event was a militarized assault run by military types who belong to a secret mercenary army owned or hired by millionaires or billionaires whose goal is to strip Americans of their ability to defend themselves. Jon Rappaport points out that the politicians, whose views reflect their representative millionaires and billionaires, don't hate shootings. They hate guns.
I wanted to add this photo of Adam Lanza because it corrects in a small way the crimes that the press commits in their complicit depiction of Adam as a young madman in the earlier releases of his image. The initial photo of Adam was a cropped photo using black and white with longer hair and lots of shadows. It made him look like a deranged psychopath. Clearly in the picture below he was not.

Always with the conclusion that "we . . . have to explore during the investigation." This always exonerates any misreporting, any misleading reports, and mistakes. Say and write what they want because it is always under investigation and "we don't have that information at this time." I mean this is bad fiction.
Here is an example of national policing agencies trumping the stories of local investigators on the scene.
"US officials representing three different lettered agencies separately identify the suspected shooter as Adam Lanza, in contrast to what investigators said earlier in the day. No explanation is given regarding what prompted confusion among investigators. (Then the famous non-sequitor . . .) Lanza’s older brother, Ryan, was taken into custody for general questioning in Hoboken, New Jersey but was not labeled a suspect. “Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre,” CNN, December 14, 2012."
Why include a statement that the brother of the purported suspect was taken in for questioning other than to give credence to the US officials' narrative that Adam Lanza was the shooter. Do we have eyewitness accounts that Lanza was seen shooting anybody? I would take it even one step further and ask did anyone at Sandy Hook even see Adam Lanza? Reports by eyewitnesses said that they saw masked men. Masked men. They could not see faces: they were covered . . . with masks.
Evidence of a second shooter. Have heard nothing of second shooter/suspect since.
"CBS correspondent notes how police have a second shooting suspect in custody who they are interrogating. “Well, they have an individual in custody, who they’re talking to. I am told they’re looking into the person as possibly a second shooter. Now that changes the dynamics here a little bit which goes from—if in fact this turns out to be confirmed—it goes from a lone gunman scenario where somebody has this argument with society and wants to take revenge with the most defenseless people in society to a team of individuals who’ve gotten together and conspired to do something like this.” “School Shooting: Possible Second Gunman in Custody,” CBS News Online, December 14, 2012."
And why does commentary about the shooter's motive always come in the form of ". . . where somebody has this argument with society and wants to take revenge with the most defenseless people in society . . ."? This argument is crazy. Evil is very personal. A single individual going into a school to shoot kids is insane, it's crazy. And this is in part how the official news agencies want their audience to think about the incidental, a crazy act committed by a crazy guy in a crazy burst of revenge against society. Crazy! Put the patina of crazy over the actions, and the investigation, or ar least the conclusion, comes almost to a screeching halt. But what if the event was a militarized assault run by military types who belong to a secret mercenary army owned or hired by millionaires or billionaires whose goal is to strip Americans of their ability to defend themselves. Jon Rappaport points out that the politicians, whose views reflect their representative millionaires and billionaires, don't hate shootings. They hate guns.
I wanted to add this photo of Adam Lanza because it corrects in a small way the crimes that the press commits in their complicit depiction of Adam as a young madman in the earlier releases of his image. The initial photo of Adam was a cropped photo using black and white with longer hair and lots of shadows. It made him look like a deranged psychopath. Clearly in the picture below he was not.

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Joel Skousen on Sandy Hook. So far the best video on the things that the press didn't cover. At the 15:40 minute mark, there is a story about the McDonell family tone being inconsistent with having just lost a child to violent murder. I agree. Here is the full interview by Anderson Cooper of CNN. The suggestion is that the parents are actors, perhaps being products of organizations like The video identifies it as It's not; it's But this is how these events are run. Put hired actors in front of the camera. Don't believe me? See more evidence of actor-like witnesses in the video below.
UPDATE, Sunday, February 3, 2013
Gene or Eugene Rosen worked for FEMA in 2008, promoting a help for children in crisis segment. In that photo of Rosen at the FEMA site, you see four children in the picture. Two of those children flank President Obama as he signs gun law into action. This guy does a pretty good review of this oddity. Since Rosen has had a prominent exposure on news stations across all networks, it has been learned that he is an actor registered with the actors' guild. The guy in the last video post has it nailed. The guys running this con game are a gang.
UPDATE: Sandy Hook School to Be Torn Down. A very official way to get rid of evidence.
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