Thursday, October 3, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
The Comments Are Telling
Here are some previously unseen and unreleased video clips of the Twin Towers collapsing.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Environmental Impact Study Is Missing
Environmental Impact Study. Edison lies and lies and lies. I like what one person called them, corp rats. UN Agenda 21 exercising property piracy, taking over homeowners' property via energy companies. Renters and homeowners get sick, who's going to pay for lawsuits when they do? Utility companies will not be held liable. This is a forced attack launched upon homeowners and conducted in secrecy.
Smart Meter Director tried to falsify his name and sneak into their Google group. She was spied upon under a stealth, deceptive deployment.
She calls it incarceration of our homes. Imprisonment. Enslavement.
And depopulation because there is no safe level of radiation exposure. So as everyone turns their attentions to Fukiyama, Japan, Americans gets blasted with low levels daily.
She describes the opt-out fee an extortion fee.
Ask to have the bio-hazard removed immediately.
The CARE program would be $10 initial fee and $5 per month. She says they know what they're doing and there is no mistake. See below.
Some of the resources mentioned in her presentation:
I liked this:

When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals.
She refers to the Moloch statue in a St. Petersburg Memorial Cemetery to commemorate the victims of the 1930s Soviet purges. The story of Moloch is the story of destructive power and how people are sacrificed to it, regardless of what that power is. Drug addiction can be a moloch. A G-d can be a moloch. A job. You get the idea.

There was even a movie made about Hitler, called Moloch. Moloch does not appear treacherous or particularly threatening at first, but only in retrospect, after it has become oppressive do people assign to it monstrous abilities. This is good to know, for anyone who is perceived as distasteful or disruptive can be treated like a moloch. Bizarre but interesting to see how culturally we rely on symbols to give our experiences historical value and meaning, usually in the negative.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Paul Craig Roberts on SEAL Team 6 & American Gullibility
Paul Craig Roberts provides an excellent report that the SEAL Team 6 was offed because they were learning that no such raid on the Osama bin Laden occurred, according to eye-witness account of a neighbor who witnessed the crashing of a helicopter on the scene. No one left the supposed bin Laden compound alive. He says that Americans are gullible. I think it's because Americans love a good story.

SEAL Team 6 Member. Image: Tumblr
"Former U.S. foreign intelligence officer Angelo M. Codevilla, a professor of international relations at Boston University, stated: ‘All the evidence suggests Elvis Presley is more alive today than Osama Bin Laden.’"
Neighbors to the Abbottabad, Pakistan compound where Osama bin Laden was said to have been holed up say that they don't believe that bin Laden even lived there. No one ever saw him. They're asking for proof that he lived there. This point is raised at the 1:45 mark of the first video embedded in this article.

SEAL Team 6 Member. Image: Tumblr
"Former U.S. foreign intelligence officer Angelo M. Codevilla, a professor of international relations at Boston University, stated: ‘All the evidence suggests Elvis Presley is more alive today than Osama Bin Laden.’"
Neighbors to the Abbottabad, Pakistan compound where Osama bin Laden was said to have been holed up say that they don't believe that bin Laden even lived there. No one ever saw him. They're asking for proof that he lived there. This point is raised at the 1:45 mark of the first video embedded in this article.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Clayton Cramer & Massad Ayoobon on Stand Your Ground or Castle Law
The beginning of the above video is quite good too, for the erroneous statements about race made by Ben Jealous, head of the NAACP, to Gabby Martin following the Trayvon Martin verdict.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Susan Lindauer
Her distinction between agent and asset is interesting. Asset is a member of the reporting country. Agent is foreign intelligence. Her book Extreme Prejudice, she says, fills in all of the material that was redacted within the intelligence community. This was enlightening to me.
She calls it an intelligence war, what she calls a psy-op.
And then there is this . . . .
And this . . .
She gave forewarning of 9/11.
Friday, July 19, 2013
On the 50th Anniversary of JFK's Assassination
Here is the rare 1978 Anthony Summers BBC documentary, The Killing of President Kennedy, made soon after the United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) issued their final report on JFK’s murder in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. Pay particularly close attention to the interview segments featuring the mysterious “Doctor Peters.” In point of fact, “Peters” was actually former Washington, D. C. police detective Joe Shimon, one of the more illusive and fascinating little known characters in modern American history. He was the chief of detectives for D. C.’s upscale Northwest quadrant where almost all of our nation’s Capitol’s foreign embassies are located. Shimon was a close friend of Mob figures Sam Giancana and Johnny Roselli, both involved with Robert Maheu in the CIA-Mafia Castro assassination plots and both brutally murdered for what they knew. Shimon was at early Miami meetings of these anti-Castro conspirators. Two excellent books which flesh out Shimon are Peter Janney’s Mary Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy To Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, And Their Vision For World Peace; and Jim Hougan’s Spooks: The Haunting of America — The Private Use of Secret Agents.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Wisconsin Students Take Down NSA Recruiters
Recruiters from the NSA pay a visit to the University of Wisconsin and get a little more than they bargain for--the truth. Take a listen to this discussion.

From Iris Mack:
When NSA recruiters went to the University of Wisconsin earlier this week to pitch language students on working for the agency, they got more than they bargained for.
The informed students turned the question-and-answer session into a hearing. On trial were the NSA's lies, their legality, and how they define "adversary".
The students recorded audio of the exchange on an iPhone proving that the language-analyst NSA recruiters were left tongue-tied.
"I'm surprised that for language analysts you're incredibly imprecise with your language," grad student Madiha Tahir charged when they failed to define what constitutes an adversary.
"What you're selling us is untrue" she added. "We also know that the NSA took down brochures and fact sheets after the Snowden revelations because those fact sheets had severe inaccuracies and untruths in them -- so how are we supposed to believe what you're saying?"
Another student directly challenged ...
From Iris Mack:
When NSA recruiters went to the University of Wisconsin earlier this week to pitch language students on working for the agency, they got more than they bargained for.
The informed students turned the question-and-answer session into a hearing. On trial were the NSA's lies, their legality, and how they define "adversary".
The students recorded audio of the exchange on an iPhone proving that the language-analyst NSA recruiters were left tongue-tied.
"I'm surprised that for language analysts you're incredibly imprecise with your language," grad student Madiha Tahir charged when they failed to define what constitutes an adversary.
"What you're selling us is untrue" she added. "We also know that the NSA took down brochures and fact sheets after the Snowden revelations because those fact sheets had severe inaccuracies and untruths in them -- so how are we supposed to believe what you're saying?"
Another student directly challenged ...
Monday, July 8, 2013
Michael Hasting's Crash
Above is the James Corbett Report.
Above is a recent San Diego news station reporter, Kimberly Dvorak, updating the investigation on Hasting's crash and death. She explains that the evidence shows that the engine blew up before the crash and that the engine was BEHIND the vehicle when investigators arrived. She also discusses the intensity and heat of the fire.
Michael Hastings' body was sent home to his family in an urn. That was not requested by the family. So whatever proof the family needed to prove that Michael did not die from alcohol or drugs and crashed the car from operator error, there is not evidence from which to check. There is no follow-up. What a horrifying thing that the family can't even grieve the death of their young son. Apparently, this reporter, San Dego 6 news reporter, Kimberly Dvorak, herself has received death threats in her investigation. Pray for the family. Michael Hastings died on June 18, 2013. RIP Michael Hastings.
Here is Michael Hastings' Rolling Stones article on General Stanley McCrystal.
What doesn't make sense to me in these speculations that somehow General Stanley McChrystal, or his close allies or anyone else, had a hand in Michael's death or killing is the fact that here in this interview he states openly that the Obama Administration has declared war on the press and then he in turn declares war on the government. So here it comes directly from the horse's mouth, yet all the speculation is pointing to McChrystal. I have to read more and follow up more but my point is that if in fact Michael was killed that is doesn't necessarily have to come from McChrystal out of revenge for writing a Rolling Stones article on the military brass's contempt for the civilian branch of government. That just doesn't wash with what we know.
FRIDAY, JULY 19, 2013: UPDATE #2
I guess it was inevitable that other stories surrounding his death would circulate, but now it is reported that Michael Hastings was working on a story that involved computer software with sophisticated hacking capabilities.
The level of departmental control over all of the evidence in the crash, though not surprising, is complete. "Despite the LAPD's categorization of the Hasting fatal accident as a 'no [evidence of] foul play,' LAPD continues to ignore FOIA [CPRA in Calif.] requests made by San Diego 6 News for the police report, 9/11 call, autopsy, bomb squad and toxicology reports, or make the Mercedes available for inspection which only fuels conjecture," added Dvorak."
The LAPD, as any police department around the country, the world decides that the political benefit far outweighs the costs in lawsuits from the family or interested parties. That seems to be the case here the LA Coroner deciding unilaterally to burn Michael's body against the expressed wishes of his family and then to dramatize that insult with an implied threat by sending his body home in an urn.
SUNDAY, JULY 21, 2013: UPDATE #3
I set the video to the 12:20 mark because it is at that point where the interviewer asks about Michael's body being removed from the car. The witness's testimony is startling. She says that Michael's body was charred from the shoulders up and covered his head, but that the rest of his body from the shoulders down was NOT burnt . . . and this after his car was consumed in a fiery ball!! Evidently, there was an incendiary device above his chest that was set to go off. Where? The LAPD says that nothing is afoul here. The coroner ordered Michael's body burned and so any subsequent investigations of his body are impossible. All that his family and friends can do now is speculate from the video evidence, from eye-witness testimony, and from rumors circulating on the periphery online and in and around investigative reports. This is a terrible loss for the family. Terrible. It may be an even greater loss for this country's culture. Michael Hastings, what an energy!!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Update #4: DARPA tests remote control of vehicle. If anyone is in doubt whether a car's controls can be hijacked remotely and steered in any particular way that those in remote control want, then this should be fairly convincing evidence what is possible.
Jim Stone seems to have the best analysis of what happened. One, there was a bomb in the car. The crash into the palm tree did not cause the debris field; on the contrary, it was a bomb that caused that. Stone suggests that there were two bombs, one located somewhere in the engine well, which would be the only plausible explanation for the engine landing 130 feet south of the car's impact on the median. The second bomb was placed near the fuel tank, so that upon the vehicle resting in its crash position an intense fire could be ignited to damage the evidence scene. Quite an analysis. Quite a story.
He does offer some tips on how to unplug a remote control of one's vehicle, if in fact that ever happens to you. It's here:
The safest car will have no antilock brakes, a manual transmission, and an old fashioned solid metal key. If you have such a car, even if it is manufactured after 2004, they probably won’t attempt a suicide run with it because all they can do is push the gas.
Solutions to the problem if your car is not one of the safe ones – A dashboard fuel pump switch, and a dashboard switch that can cut the power to the Antilock brake system. Once the antilock brake system is not functioning, the car is designed to default to mechanical brakes. Introducing a failure into the ABS system by disabling the sensors won’t work, because once hacked a totally new environment in which the sensors are irrelevant is created and the fact that the sensors are disabled won’t make any difference. If you want, add a third switch for the ignition system.
If I ever end up being able to buy a car again, I will take the ultimate option – put super strong tape on both sides of the plastic part of the fuse bodies, ALL OF THEM, and connect all of that strong tape from all of the fuses together to make a loop, which a rope is tied to and attached to a lawn mower pull start handle, and have that mounted to the underside of the steering column. The moment I notice the car getting wanky, just pull the handle and rip every single fuse out at the same time. That way you won’t void the warranty with any safety modifications.
It’s a sad world we live in when the government can pretty much murder anyone they wish. There is no doubt Hastings was murdered, but I think that with a few precautions your modern car can be made safe against a government hack. Remember, for now it is just the most important people getting murdered, but if it ever comes down to a hot fight against the people you can bet your shorts that the government will use murder via car crash as the ultimate option for getting rid of the resistance. They will no doubt do it en masse. The capability is there, via an always on cellular internet connection. Do you really think they won’t use it?
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Friday, May 31, 2013
The Surveillance State: An Electronics Concentration Camp?
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Eric Peters on Where Cops Come From
Cops come from the Civil War. NB: graphic imagery: cops beating unarmed man.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
1971 Stanford Prison Experiment
Horrific or testing to see what people can people can do with bureaucratic authority?
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Hitler Did Not Want War
Monday, May 6, 2013
Child Protective Services: Government Agency Terrorizing Parents?
Friday, May 3, 2013
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Friday, February 22, 2013
Christopher Dorner, RIP
I watched the events of Christopher Dorner's death unfold on video. I saw the smoke from explosions before I saw the flames of the fire that followed the explosion. If, in fact, he was guilty of the three murders he was accused of, then he is a criminal. But under the US justice system, even criminals are entitled to an examination of the evidence, of intention, and of sentencing if in fact there was cause for his guilt, and given all of the reports there certainly was. But in the scene that unfolded in the open, deep in the Big Bear forest of the San Bernadino Mountains, the San Bernadino County Sheriffs acted as judge, jury, and executioner, leaving viewers with the not so faint stench of the show trials of dictators in third-world regimes. Is this what we've come to? Is this where we're headed? As his execution unfolded on video, the reporters who inevitably know so little about the events that are unfolding since they are back in their studios are either making up their narrative as they go, have it prescripted in accordance with law enforcement policy, or are getting it fed to them by law enforcement personnel stationed at that moment inside the news studios. As the reports come in, they portray the police as peaceful, law-abiding officers of public good standing by, waiting for the opportunity to serve Mr. Dorner with a warrant or observing the standoff and performing the critical work of analyzing the best way to earn peaceful compliance from a renegade officer turned fugitive from the law. The reporters build a suspenseful pause in anticipation for how it will end, knowing that it will end badly for Dorner. They have to build the suspense to hide their role as accomplice in a gangland style, very public murder. The press has to appear as though they as neutral, always narrating events with a biased eye on behalf of law enforcement so that cops, good cops are pitted against rogue ones. They had to put down Dorner like a rabid dog. Not for fear of getting bitten by what ailed Dorner, for that ship has already sailed, but to bury the grievance so that the code of blue silence can continue unabated in the service of injustice. Then the police are presented as necessary assassins, performing, once Dorner was labeled in a declared manhunt as public enemy number one, some kind of public service and duty to the community, another one of those Orwellian terms to hide the interested gang-banger. The police pursue lethal resolutions to a guy who has been accused, tried, and convicted by the press before he ever sees the inside of a courtroom with a judge, representation, or jury of peers. Then a fire erupts in the cabin. We only learn of the incendiary devices used to incinerate the cabin days after the police are sifting through the debris. I saw smoke. I saw a fire. Then reports come from "authorities," anonymous individuals to whom we are supposed to extend obsequious respect and honor by the mere fact that they are a member of that elite sect, the police department. The next report that comes in is that a single shot was heard, a phrase used often to announce to the world of a significant historical event but in this case to hint not at the possibility of suicide but at the likely but unconfirmed and therefore probably deniable probability. No blame or charge is laid at the feet of law enforcement. No suspicion at their door, despite the massive presence, blockading of roads, and news organizations from around the world converging in complicity and in curiosity with a massive police assault. You saw the roads leading to the cabin--a long string of police vehicles, humvees, armored personnel carriers, and others. News, Weather
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