Monday, May 6, 2013

Child Protective Services: Government Agency Terrorizing Parents?

This is unbelievable.  The press, speaking on behalf of Child Protective Services and the Sacramento Police that there was no threat by the parents.  None what so ever.  Even the dad admits that against CPS, the parents have no rights over their child whatsoever.  This is troubling.  So even on the suspicion that a child is being abused, it can set in motion a host of tax-payer-funded, government agencies to take from the parents what is rightfully theirs.  Let the parents decide what is best for their child, not the state.
It is something to me to see and read about young parents taking care of their child, trying to figure out what is best for them, and that as they do so are treated like criminals.  Some people claim, generally it is government workers that do so, that some parents are not fit for parenting.  According to whom?  According to government employees?  Really?  Funny that it is often the sons and daughters of police officers who conduct heinous acts, like the boys from Orange County gang raping a young woman who was given ecstacy-like drugs unbeknownst to her and who was subsequently raped while she was drugged.  So I am not convinced that government employees are the best judges about whom or how to raise and care for someone else's child.  Merely because these government agents attend staff development meetings and are certified after taking ridiculously designed and over-the-top easy tests to qualify them to do horrible things against citizens is appalling.

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